
15. March 2018
ViCEM Award for the Best Diploma Thesis 2017 – Awardees
The presentation of the finalists and the award ceremony took place on March 15, 2018.


Daniel Mudrak, Preprocessing of computed tomography images for quantification of lung specific physiology and comparison to electrical impedance tomography (Betreuung/supervision: Eugenijus Kaniusas/TU & Stefan Böhme/MU)


Narmada Ban, A novel design of a miniaturized minimal invasive probe for optical coherence tomography (Betreuung: Winfried Mayr/TU & MU)

Simon Strehn, Mehrschichtige Streuphantome für die optische Kohärenztomographie (Betreuung: Martin Gröschl/TU & Bernhard Baumann/MU)


ViCEM Diploma Thesis Award 2017 - Agenda PDF93.79 KB

Finalists and awardee, ViCEM coordinators
Awardee Daniel Mudrak with ViCEM Coordinators
Finalist Narmada Ban with ViCEM Coordinators
Finalist Simon Strehn with ViCEM Coordinators